Most Not-For-Profit Associations that I speak with are keen to secure an airline, bank or car sponsor. Why? It seems that the general line of thought is that the vast majority of people fly, bank and drive, so therefore there must be a clear alignment for one of these companies to come on board as a corporate sponsor for their Association. Right?

The fact of the matter is that unless there is a clear alignment – for example, you represent an industry that invests substantially in financial institutions by way of loans, then a banking sponsor will more than likely politely decline your offer to sponsor. Airline, banks and car companies are looking for Associations that can give them access to a big audience. How many members does your Association have?

When thinking about which potential sponsors might be interested in your Association, start thinking closer to home. Which profession, industry or sector do you represent? Which companies do your members do business with? They are a great place to start, because they are looking for access to your membership base.

For example: For the Australian Resident Accommodation Managers Association (ARAMA), the peak body representing Management Rights in Australia an ideal partner would be a painting application company, or a property management software firm.

If you were Sports Medicine Australia, representing the multidisciplinary professions of physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, GPs, sports physicians, dieticians, podiatrists etc, then a sports bra manufacturer would be a good fit, or a company that makes orthotic inserts. They are looking to get their products to be recognised and supported by these prefoessions. For more ideas on where else to look for potential sponsors, Contact Us