Getting Started On Your Non-Profit Sponsorship Journey
I know when I first started my journey as a sponsorship-seeker, I could find lots of information about certain ‘points’ in the sponsorship journey. I use the word ‘journey’ very loosely because, honestly, I don’t even think I’d considered back then that there was a journey to be had!
I just knew that we needed sponsors for our next event and I had to ‘hit the phones’ to see which companies I could get interested!
Information on creating a great proposal, asking the right questions in sponsorship meetings, and the fact that brands want us to build a relationship with them first, is easy to find.
Some of that information really helped me, some confused me and some left me wanting more as it only shared the ‘bare bones’ and expected me (as a complete novice) to build the rest of the ‘sponsorship body’ for myself! I didn’t know where to start, who or what to believe, so I started to experiment to see what worked (and what didn’t).

I didn’t know it back then, but what I was really searching for was a pathway I could follow to be successful. I wanted someone to show me where I needed to start, then what the next step should be and so on until I’d created the kind of success with sponsors I was looking for (and being paid to achieve!)
As the years have gone by and I left full-time employment in the charity sector to explore the world of building my own company to specifically help those that are For-Purpose, For-Passion and For-Social Change, I came to realise that there were more people like me out there – I’ve discovered thousands and thousands in fact! It was inspiring to know that I was not alone and that knowledge led me to create that pathway. One that could transform For-Purpose organisations, maximise their impact and increase their income.
So, if you’ve also been asking this question and searching for more, then I’m delighted to invite you to join my free webinar. I want to share this with you in the hope that more and more organisations and events see that there is absolutely a defined pathway to sponsorship success, and the process does not just start with a list of prospects and a generic proposal.
The pathway to best practice sponsorship is an easy to follow, step by step process that leads you through the four stages involved in REALLY being able to create and leverage awesome sponsorship relationships for your organisation or event. These stages help you plan, find, connect with and keep corporate partners and my free webinar details each step of the way.
So what is the first step?
It must start with a plan.