How Does Your Organisation Impact The World?
I was recently working on a new piece of work and I found myself passionately tapping away at the keyboard expressing something that I talk about in presentations and workshops, but not something that I often write about. So, I wanted to share my thoughts with you…
The words we use hold energy. A vibration that can impact others when we communicate.
We use words to soothe, to collaborate, to uplift and to weave powerful stories that galvanise people into action in support of our mission.
Some words hold more impact than others.
Did you know that the Latin word for ‘profit’ (profectus) when translated directly, means ‘success’ or ‘progress’?
I bet that you would never consciously describe your amazing organisation as ‘not-for-success’ or ‘not-for-progress’ though?

Yet, this is what we’ve been collectively and subconsciously doing for decades and decades, globally, as a sector.
And it’s time to stop.
The last 15 years of my life have been spent helping the corporate and charity sectors discover what might be possible together in partnership and I can unequivocally say, that the language we use to describe ourselves and the way we view our organisations when we approach brands for sponsorship absolutely has an effect on the balance of power and subsequent outcomes of those relationships.
For years I have been searching for a description that more closely aligns with the values that I see in the people and organisations striving to find solutions to the social, environmental and animal welfare issues that are so prevalent.
I believe that our sector is For-Purpose, For-Impact and For-Social Change.

Your organisation’s ability to change the world (even just your corner of it) starts with how you see yourself.
There are 10,000,000 charities worldwide and Infinity Sponsorship’s mission is to connect the for-profit and for-purpose sectors together in accountable partnerships that create real and measurable change.
So, it starts today.
As you begin (or continue) your journey into the corporate partnership landscape, know that your organisation is no longer a charity in need of handouts, but a valuable marketing partner to the right brand, and together it’s possible to create transformational change!
How do you feel about what I’ve shared? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
You can help by sharing the love! Let’s start a powerful movement to change the name of our sector. Tell others about how the language they use affects how our sector is seen!