Sponsorship Seekers and Fundraisers! Do you capitalise on vital your role as an educator?
Today I come to you in the role of a reporter.
Two great articles have slid across my desk in the last couple of days and they are inextricably linked! Combined with one other report that I’ve been using with alot of success with sponsors and well… sharing is caring!
As a sponsorship seeker for Not-For-Profits these articles hold brilliant content in further arming me with relevant information to make a compelling approach to highly aligned companies and brands that would make wonderful partners to the organisations that I work with. And they can help you too.
You may be aware that I have written often enough about the fact that a sponsorship proposal should NOT be your first contact with a potential sponsor. Of course, if you persist in building strong relationships, the time will come when you are ready to send out a proposal. The key when you do is to make sure that you pepper your proposal and approach with relevant research and facts about why aligning with your charity or cause can help them sell more products and services! Read on below for some great statistics about why partnering with you should be on their priority list.
Gen X and Y Switch for a Cause – Report here.
There are some compelling statistics about the level of trust that the Australian Not-For-Profit and Charity sector has gained in some brand new research just released! This information is invaluable at helping sponsors to see why aligning with your impeccable brand can only do THEIR BRAND good.
Nine in 10 Aussies Give to Charity as Trust Soars – Report here.
Now, you will have noticed, by the end of that article that there was some sad news about the level of perception that stills exists about ‘wastefulness’ in the Sector. Wasteful expenditure on admin costs, salaries, fundraising and so on. What the?
Of course, we all know that the more strategic, stable and sustainable our organisations are, the MORE people we can help, the MORE lives we can save, the MORE good we can do by building more awareness, creating a greater following and reaching bigger audiences. Of course, we are speaking about the Charity Overhead Myth.
Why The Charity Overhead Myth Stunts Nonprofit Growth – Report here.
So, as you can see, as a fundraiser in this amazingly rich and diverse Sector, whilst your role is definitely to successfully diversify your organisation’s income streams, there is a larger overarching role, and that is one of education.
The better you at disseminating the most relevant research, statistics, facts and figures to the right stakeholders, the more successful you will be as a fundraiser. You begin to move into a position where you can let the great research you have amassed to do some of the legwork for you. It’s a bit like a testimonial – it’s much better to have someone else say how great you are, than trying to tell people yourself!
The great thing is, you are no longer a charity needing handouts, you are a valuable marketing partner to the right company. The bigger picture is saying (that is consumers everywhere – just like you and I) that you can help companies and brands reach more people and entwine your amazing story into theirs in such a way that more people might be willing to switch brands for your cause.
The facts don’t lie – it’s time to use them to your advantage!
Speaking of sharing and caring – are we connected yet?
If you enjoyed this article, please share it. Imagine a world where the not-for-profit and corporate sectors banded together in partnership and causes, charities, associations, events and not-for-profits just like yours became benevolent powerhouses! I want to live in THAT world!
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Keep up the fantastic work!