The Worst Sponsorship Letter Ever
As the Co-Founder of Infinity Sponsorship, I get approached for sponsorship from time to time.
I love the thought of fundraisers doing their research into my brand, who my target market is that I’m trying to connect with and then making an approach to me to ask about what the ideal sponsorship relationship for me would look like!
Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. EVER.
One such approach that I have received is highlighted below.
I share this with you because, would you believe, letters, emails and proposals written in this way are much more common than you might think. And if you happen to be someone writing letters like this to potential sponsors. It’s time to stop. Right now.

To be truthful, I wasn’t sure that this WAS a sponsorship approach until I responded to the author of the email and they were able to clarify that they thought I’d make a great sponsor.
The saddest thing about this scenario was that I was unable to help this person (not just because sponsorship for me was impossible – there was absolutely no alignment for my business) but because no matter how much constructive feedback I tried to provide them with in order for them to make more successful approaches in the future, it fell on deaf ears.
Whilst there is absolutely no judgement about the person who sent me this message, it is clear that they were rushed and scattered about their objectives, they certainly did not take the time to proofread their email or understand anything about my company. Worst of all, it was almost unintelligible, and even if they had spruced up their message and sent it through again, the first impression had been cast. I could not trust this charity to represent my brand in the way I want it to be seen, even if there had been an alignment.
‘Hi Abby
Firstly we are located in City, Country, we are called ABC Charity.
We started up November 2013 with a Bingo for friends.
I just suddenly decided when due to lack of footfall at the events I had been organising for a charity I volunteered to help had my authorisation to do other events taken away, that I would do them for the lesser known charities within the City area, of my choosing this year we have been doing it for a selection of military charities in honour of the centenary. This year we are doing it for Animal Welfare and conservation charities and disabled children charities. In January we were doing it for XXXX the XXXX that was depicted in the film ‘I can’t mention the name’, the owner was wanting to raise the money to buy it from a family concern and change it into a charity for this he had to raise 1.6 million. As it is only an hour away from us I thought it would be a good one to start with.
Currently, the is only me and my friend Dick, running it, we have Jane who has offered to be our Treasurer and do the admin but due to illness and family concerns has stepped out of the picture until the new year. We are desperate to get volunteers so we can keep this going and not all of us have to be there every time.
We currently do Bingo every Monday, had a Farmer’s Market with Craft Stalls, but due to having great difficulty in getting Food stalls and complaints from people saying we came for the food but the was nothing there, I have chosen to change to Vintage and Craft Fairs the first one is this Thurs 21st May in aid of a small charity, June 18th is another event to support a charity, July 16th another event to support a charity and July 17th we have another event as this is the Eve of St James Feast. This is in aid of a Children’s Charity.
My fake name
ABC Charity’

Looking for a great sponsorship proposal template? You can find real-life examples that I used to raise hundreds of thousands in sponsorship as part of my 12-month course – the Sponsorship Foundations Program.
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